Past Exhibition


Atanas Mihov (1879 - 1975). Painting and drawings.

Gallery Loran presents the exhibition: "Atanas Mihov (1879 - 1975). Painting and drawings."

The current collection of Atanas Mihov's artworks in Gallery Loran (1879 - 1975) is representative of the artist's work and has been specially selected to show expressively and organically the overall pictorial achievements of the author together with his early drawings.

Atanas Mihov creates an emblematic landscape painting - penetrating and with gentle color vibrations, this is how he achieves a special mood in the landscape. He paints images - generalized and derived as symbols and signs, making a kind of spiritual portraits of nature. It relies on complex poetic harmonies built with a lot of mood. Characteristic of his composition is the play of light and its juxtaposition with shadow, not through a graphic approach, but through complex pictorial impressions. 

The mountain and the sea conquer with their bold picturesque treatment and with their rich color. They are magnified by his brush, reaching a striking monumentality. We see a rhythm of noble natural harmonies, complemented with sonorous oscillations in the lights of the mountain slopes and the reflections of the sea water. Vitosha and the Black Sea seem to be spiritualized and communicate with the viewer.

In Mihov's landscapes we can feel that Mihov is not superficially excited by the panorama, but goes beyond its visibility and reaches bold artistic moods and poetic states in the composition, skillfully handling the brush. The execution is remarkable, laying the tones and halftones, the artist creates a complex picturesque fabric modeled with transparency and azure colors.

All his paintings are executed in one breath, with ease, without hesitation and with enormous creative emotion. The landscapes are alive and tactile, as Mihov is able to transform them with the means of his strong impressionistic culture.

The drawings shown in the exhibition are a representative sample of the entire collection, which numbers more than 100 pencil sketches. They chronologically present Atanas Mihov's impressions of his travels after graduating from the academy to: Varna, Skopje, Razgrad, Drama, etc., as well as his daily activities as a military artist.

The exhibition "Atanas Mihov (1879 - 1975). Painting and Drawings" can be seen from March 9 to April 18, 2023 in the salon of Gallery Contrast, at Tsar Samuil Stree 49 in Sofia.